To address the need for a one-stop comprehensive business development service (BDS) provider based on a quick rapid need assessment conducted with Member Organizations, producer groups and other related enterprises , FTG Nepal through initial support from Oxfam supported “Sustainable Livelihoods Support for the Earthquake Affected Families in Nepal” project is establishing a Business Development Service Centre that will cater to the business development needs of Micro Small and Medium Scale enterprises (MSMEs) and its member organisations along with redefining business paths for the producer groups associated with fair trade. In the process of establishing the Business Development Service (BDS) Center, an Interaction Program was held on 9 th September 2018 at Ageno: The Hestia Restaurant, Dhobighat. The interaction program was held with the objective to better understand the Business Development Services needs in today’s context, to discuss on the FTG Nepal BDS Center modality and sustainability aspect of such centers in changing context of Nepal. Through the program was recommendation and ideas were sought from stakeholders to formalise the Business Development Services Centre along with its sustainability aspect.