Kanchanjangha Tea Estate and Research Center
Kanchanjangha Tea Estate and Research Center (KTERC) is the first certified Organic tea garden in Nepal established in 1984. The 150-hector garden nestles in the foothills of Mt. Kanchanjangha at about 1,800 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level.
KTERC is the first and only tea estate of Nepal which produces various brands of organic tea and is in the business since 1984. The company is entirely community based and is akin to Co-operative Model of management as the land under its precious teas belongs to the local farmers. It provides self-employment to more than a hundred farmers’ families and also believes in principles of Fair Trade.
We produce a wide variety of high-mountain premium organic teas specializing in various flushes/grades of Black and Green Teas. The elevation, zero-population environment, pristine weather make our teas one of the best in the world.

Contact Details:
Ms. Shanta Baskota Koirala, Director
Ranitar, Phidim, Panchthat, Nepal
Post Box No 8821
Tel: +977-9851082828, +977-1-4589009, +977-9851013022
Email: info@organickte.com, shantakoirala48@gmail.com
Web: www.organickte.com